Thursday 30 March 2017

This Blind Man Redefines What It Means To Have No Excuses

Why are you interested in bodybuilding? No matter the reason, almost everyone’s passion for the sport will be fuelled by that which we can see, the visual spectacle of the human body at its peak and all that brings with it. Almost everyone.

Shane Falker doesn’t fall into that same category. After losing his vision at the age of 22 in a car accident 10 years ago, this incredible human being nevertheless pursued his dream of stepping on a competition stage alongside his fellow, full-sighted peers. Recently he stepped on-stage at the at the NABBA/WFA Southern Hemisphere Championships, and placed in the top 5. Impressive, indeed! Falker started his pre-contest prep about 9 weeks out — following an intense weight training program and even doing cardio twice a day on certain occasions.

Aside from the very obvious fact that Shane isn’t able to drink in the spoils of his graft—and what spoils they are—let’s also consider just how much more difficult training would be without one of the most vital senses in any bodybuilder’s arsenal.

Keeping one’s form in check would become a nightmare, for starters, while Shane would only have his sense of touch and the word of others to know what kind of progress he was making at the time.

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