Friday 31 March 2017

Lee Priest Teaches Us the ways of Curling in the Squat Rack

Writer’s Note: Spot Me Bro does not condone curling in the squat rack during busy gym hours.

Editor’s Note: It’s true, we don’t. Unless you’re looking to up your dick points, then it’s on you.

Lee Priest is a former Mr. Olympia contender and 2013 Mr. Universe, but one of the most well-known figures of the bodybuilding industry has bared his soul and admitted to a very serious problem in a recent video: He’s a squat-rack curler.

You can see them in just about every local gym, but you’re never quite sure whether to believe your eyes. They skulk and sneak with little care for their fellow lifter, and they’re more commonly known as “space-hoggers” or “that dude’s here again.”
Practicing this unholiest of sins is regarded as poor gym etiquette, but according to Priest, this very method is his secret to bigger everything when it comes to arms, helping develop the triceps, forearms, and of course—the motherlode—world-class biceps.

We apologize to any of the viewers offended by what they just witnessed. It’s since been confirmed that squat racks were indeed hurt during the filming of Priest’s video. But I digress…
Despite the terrible reputation that comes with curling in the rack, Priest is right in some of his analysis. And on the next page we’ll have a look at the reasons for and against curling in the squat rack.

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