Thursday 30 March 2017

Watch Kai Greene Tear Ego-Lifters A New Asshole in This Video

Having won the Arnold Classic on multiple occasions, and being a 3-time runner-up at the Mr. Olympia, it’s safe to say that Kai knows a little something when it comes to training and making some sweet, sweet gains. Despite his past endeavors that kind of made him a mocking spectacle on the Misc and Reddit forums, the man’s wisdom should be adhered to if your goal is to grow — even if only a little.
We all know that to grow muscle mass we should ingest more calories and train our asses off, after all, intense training sessions + a lot of calories = gains. Man … I wish I had those kind of formulas in math class. Well, that’s one of the most basic ways to increase muscle mass. We could dive into the more scientific aspect of it, but then this article would become a thesis. And I don’t really feel like having a thesis critiqued by a group of testosterone-filled brofessors.
When we all started our journey for ultimate gains, we thought that the best way to obtain it was through supplements, some still do — even after 5 years of lifting. How I wish I could get all my money back that I wasted on supplements during my rookie lifting years. First thing’s first: Train like you’ve just gone through a break-up and think of it as the best form of revenge on that silly hoe; making gains truly is the best form of revenge. Secondly: Eat all the proteins.

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